- 輸入
- file name:名子
- module output:模組語言
- cutomize
- 設定
- CLKOP desired frequency(用來計算用)
- actual frequency有值
- calculate
- generate
<?php function imagecreatefrombmp($p_sFile) { // Load the image into a string $file = fopen($p_sFile,"rb"); $read = fread($file,10); while(!feof($file)&&($read<>"")) $read .= fread($file,1024); $temp = unpack("H*",$read); $hex = $temp[1]; $header = substr($hex,0,108); // Process the header // Structure: http://www.fastgraph.com/help/bmp_header_format.html if (substr($header,0,4)=="424d") { // Cut it in parts of 2 bytes $header_parts = str_split($header,2); // Get the width 4 bytes $width = hexdec($header_parts[19].$header_parts[18]); // Get the height 4 bytes $height = hexdec($header_parts[23].$header_parts[22]); // Unset the header params unset($header_parts); } // Define starting X and Y $x = 0; $y = 1; // Create newimage $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height); // Grab the body from the image $body = substr($hex,108); // Calculate if padding at the end-line is needed // Divided by two to keep overview. // 1 byte = 2 HEX-chars $body_size = (strlen($body)/2); $header_size = ($width*$height); // Use end-line padding? Only when needed $usePadding = ($body_size>($header_size*3)+4); // Using a for-loop with index-calculation instaid of str_split to avoid large memory consumption // Calculate the next DWORD-position in the body for ($i=0;$i<$body_size;$i+=3) { // Calculate line-ending and padding if ($x>=$width) { // If padding needed, ignore image-padding // Shift i to the ending of the current 32-bit-block if ($usePadding) $i += $width%4; // Reset horizontal position $x = 0; // Raise the height-position (bottom-up) $y++; // Reached the image-height? Break the for-loop if ($y>$height) break; } // Calculation of the RGB-pixel (defined as BGR in image-data) // Define $i_pos as absolute position in the body $i_pos = $i*2; $r = hexdec($body[$i_pos+4].$body[$i_pos+5]); $g = hexdec($body[$i_pos+2].$body[$i_pos+3]); $b = hexdec($body[$i_pos].$body[$i_pos+1]); $gray = (int)($r + $g + $b)/3; // Calculate and draw the pixel $color = imagecolorallocate($image,$gray,$gray,$gray); imagesetpixel($image,$x,$height-$y,$color); // Raise the horizontal position $x++; } // Unset the body / free the memory unset($body); // Return image-object return $image; }
<?php class Edge { public $v1; public $v2; public $weight; function Edge($v1, $v2, $weight) { $this->v1 = $v1; $this->v2 = $v2; $this->weight = $weight; } } class Vertex { public $nRank; public $vRoot; public $name; function Vertex($name) { $this->name = $name; $this->nRank = 0; $this->vRoot = $this; } function GetRoot() { if ($this->vRoot != $this) $this->vRoot = $this->vRoot->GetRoot(); return $this->vRoot; } } class Kruskal { var $all_vertex = array(); var $all_edge = array(); function create() { //create } function edge_sort() { function cmp($a, $b) { if ($a->weight == $b->weight) return 0; return ($a->weight < $b->weight) ? -1 : 1; } usort($this->all_edge, "cmp"); } function Join(Vertex $vRoot1, Vertex $vRoot2) { if ($vRoot2->nRank < $vRoot1->nRank) $vRoot2->vRoot = $vRoot1; else { $vRoot1->vRoot = $vRoot2; if ($vRoot1->nRank == $vRoot2->nRank) $vRoot1->nRank++; } } function mst_create() { $mst_vertex = array(); $this->edge_sort(); for ($i=0;$i<count($this->all_edge);$i++) { $v1 = $this->all_edge[$i]->v1->GetRoot(); $v2 = $this->all_edge[$i]->v2->GetRoot(); if($v1->name==$v2->name) continue; $this->Join($v1, $v2); array_push($mst_vertex, $this->all_edge[$i]); } return $mst_vertex; } }